On July 12, 2021, Mr. Timothy Edwards, chargé d’affaires, office of the Embassy of Canada in Laos, and his wife donated their piano to the French Institute. Before leaving Laos where they spent three beautiful years, Ms. and Mr. Edwards decided to offer their American-made Baldwin piano to the Lao-French cultural centre. This will allow all pianists in Vientiane, beginners and experienced, to play on the instrument and enjoy music. The director of the IFL, Mr. Patrick Cohen, and the executive director, Mr. Jean-Manuel Duhaut, had the pleasure to receive the piano, and to listen to a few numbers by Mr. Edwards, who is a very good pianist. The Institut français du Laos warmly thanks Ms. & Mr. Edwards!
(* Soon, IFL will be opening its rehearsal “Studio” for Vientiane musicians. Follow IFL news: www.if-laos.org / facebook: @ institut.francaisdulaos)
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Institut français du Laos